Adopted-Taz – 3 year old-male

by Tamara Randolph on July 19, 2012

in Adopted Shibas

Updated August 11, 2012 Taz is now recuperating at home and is going to get his staples out this next week. He had his sutures removed but he didnt want to leave it alone and so staples were left in to keep up shut.  He is putting weight on it and best of all he will be going to his FOREVER HOME at the end of the month as he has an adoption commitment!
August 20, 2012 Taz is doing super and putting more and more weight on his injured leg! Unfortunately his adoption commitment backed out and he is still up for adoption. He is going to make someone a super companion as he will run and play just like any other Shiba!

Thanks to all that have donated as without you Taz wouldn’t be where he is today!

UPDATE Sept. 12, 2012: Taz has been adopted! Thanks Rachael!


July 19, 2012 “Taz” is the newest addition to our rescue. A SIRF volunteer evaluated Taz (although he was nameless at the time) immediately after we found out about him. She came back with glowing reports of his temperament even though he has a very injured back leg. He also has some pretty bad teeth and gums. With such a sweet personality, Taz deserved a chance to find a home, but the shelter couldn’t give him the treatment he needed to be considered adoptable. We told the shelter that we would take him into rescue and we picked him up the first day he was available.

On Tuesday we picked him up and, with the help of four different volunteer transporters and their companions, Taz was transported from Jacksonville to Pensacola without incident. He stole the hearts of each and every person that he met along the way.

The very next day, he was taken to the vet to get an evaluation of his injuries. During his vet visit he had x-rays of his lower body and had his nails trimmed. The x-rays show that his hip bone is totally out of the socket! He will require surgery and a lot of rehab, but the vet feels he can recover 100%. His teeth are also almost black, so we will have them cleaned while he is under anesthesia for the hip surgery.

Taz is estimated to be approximately three years old and will give someone a lifetime of love after he finds his forever home. Right now though, we have to focus on getting him all better. We took him for a second opinion and were given the same recommendation regarding surgery, so we are going forward with that ASAP. Luckily, one vet is giving us a HUGE discount on the surgery. We expect we will spend approximately $1,000.00 on Taz altogether with the surgery, aftercare, and rehabilitation.

Please Help Us Help Taz

So far, we’ve collected $685.00

Can you help Taz? If so, fill out this form to make a donation!


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Rae July 19, 2012 at 10:34 AM

Trinkaryu, Ishi, Ruby,Banjo, Dixie, Asher, Evangeline, Aggi and Aden are donating direct to the vet so we can speed up this boy’s progress :-)))

Kathy Crandell July 19, 2012 at 9:45 PM

Taz, Kayla and I love you to death Rae and pack! Thx!!

Stephanie Gladden August 6, 2012 at 1:11 PM

Ah, what a sweetie–and it looks like he’s good with kitties, too!

Samantha September 12, 2012 at 7:21 PM

WOO HOO! I’m so glad to hear this 🙂 He was, by far, one of my favorite transports!

Kathy Crandell September 12, 2012 at 8:11 PM

Samantha.. you know he went to a girl in Blountstown!

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