Adopted-Ellie-3 yr old Female

by Tamara Randolph on March 18, 2014

in Adopted Shibas

UPDATE: Ellie has been adopted by Maria and family! Hey everyone… look here … My name is ELLIE thats E L L I E! I don’t go by “hey you” or “Dog” just Ellie.. I am a Diva princess and am in the need of a new home! My humans decided to get themselves some small pint size human and I just don’t like my gorgeous tail being pulled or my hair being pulled either! Would you?? I do like playing with those smaller humans that are a bit older though as they will chase the ball when they throw it so I don’t have to! I have them ALL trained see? So get this… I enjoy that little square wire thing they call a crate but I call it home! It is where I can get away from everything and take a Diva princess nap without being disturbed! I also do my lady business outside always like any good princess would! I do love my walks but I sometimes am in a bit of a hurry and the humans don’t like that much.. but when you gotta go .. you gotta go and you have to find a the perfect princess place! The one thing I hate is other 4 legged barkers! They make such a mess and so much noise .. no other dogs for me.. plus there can only be ONE Dive Princess! Someone had the nerve to ask if I like cats? Can someone tell me “what is a cat?” Anyway if you want to treat me like a princess I will be happy to grace your home with my presence!! Please help this Princess find a new Palace! Oh and I forgot one thing they told me I have to tell you but we have to whisper.. I weigh 27lbs shhhh don’t tell anyone as a lady never give that info out!!

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Mario March 18, 2014 at 7:48 PM

so how do I adopt Ellie????

Kathy Crandell March 19, 2014 at 6:32 AM

Please send an email to and I can send you an adoption application.

Megan Parks March 23, 2014 at 4:53 AM

do you still have her? how much would she be? because me and my boyfriend are about to move into an apartment and I have been looking at shiba inu’s. please let me know! thank you 🙂

Megan Parks March 23, 2014 at 4:58 AM

me and my boyfriend are about to move on our own and we have been looking at shiba inu’s. she is gorgeous. how much would she be to adopt? we have no other dogs but I have had other dogs before in my life so I have a lot of experience with them. please let me know more about this precious girl. We are moving by April 1 and I can’t imagine not having a dog in my life.

Kathy Crandell March 23, 2014 at 9:12 AM

Hello Megan-please email us at and I will send you an application. Yes she is still available. At this time we are taking applications.

Judy Fromhart March 23, 2014 at 5:04 PM

I have a 17 yr old Sheiba named Corky that I love dearly, but we can tell her time is drawing near. She was alot like Ellie, didn’t like kids, cats, other dogs but with coaching she now tolerates cats and other dogs. When her time is up I would like to get another Sheiba.

Sharon Biava March 24, 2014 at 1:09 PM

She is gorgeous, Is she still available – I have an application on file

Laura Gruich March 24, 2014 at 2:39 PM

I just lost my Shibe Jan 2 to cancer. The wounds are still fresh, but my house is so cold without an animal. Im we’ll aware of the “PRINCESS CAT LIKE PERSONA” of the Shiba. Also, not the most loving of small children.
I never crate my animals. Did it once with my G Shepherd & I think it did something to her, bc after that she was a fear biter. Usually, my dogs sleep with me. But not sure I will do again, as I have a king size bed, am single & somehow she was always pushing me off! LOL…
Wanted a puppy, but between $ & time I’m not sure. Also, wanted another G Shepherd but they are much more work than. Shiba.
If I decided to adopted your dog, trust me she would be treated like … umm…. BETTER than my own kids!
I’m in Miami right now, but live 2 hours north of here. Was looking for a place I could go look. But your site came up & my heart does go out to all the dogs needing homes full of love!!
From what I read, she is house broken (big thing if older dog), but beautiful!
Not great at email. Don’t check daily. Can send text or call & tell me email is sent Ha! My ph # 772-579-7959
Hope you contact me soon!
Laura (aka elle) Gruich

Ashley Veilleux March 25, 2014 at 10:48 AM

How much is she going for?? I am about to move from an apartment to a house and I would love to have this little diva with me.

Ray March 28, 2014 at 4:09 PM

Where is Ellie residency . my wife wants to get to know her

Roseanne Sarthou May 4, 2014 at 8:48 AM

She looks like my Su-Ki too.

Roseanne Sarthou May 4, 2014 at 8:50 AM

If I submit an application to NYC Shiba Rescue, does the application go to all the states of Shiba Rescue or must I submit one for each state that I’m interested in?

Jason Merryman January 24, 2015 at 3:29 PM

Just want to know if Ellie is still-3 yr old Female Shiba Iun is still available for adoption we are looking for a god family dog and she looks like perfect one for us..

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