ADOPTED-Lexi-3 yr old Female Cream Shiba Inu

by Tamara Randolph on October 7, 2014

in Adopted Shibas

UPDATE: Lexi has been adopted by Kim and her daughter Ari! Thanks guys!!! Meet Lexi, a gorgeous cream Shiba, that is available for adoption in S Florida! She is 3 yrs old, spayed and weighs about 24 lbs. She is well trained. She will go to bed, inside her crate, go down and jump up on command. She also will crawl and speak. When Lexi was 6 months old she broke her leg and the vets put a rod in for stability. She also was hit by a car at a year and half and was very lucky. She dislocated her hip and broke her pelvis, had surgery and is as good as new today. After running a lot she may limp for a short time but is not in obvious pain. Lexi needs to be in a home with no other pets. She is food aggressive but only to other dogs, not people. She has not been around cats although we doubt she would do very well with them. She also would be best in a home with no small children to chase her around. Older children are fine. Lexi does have a wheat allergy which is controlled by diet!

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sandra johnson October 10, 2014 at 8:59 AM

Good Morning,
I just read the bio on Lexi and she seems like an awesome girl. I can give her a good stable home but I have a senior male dog. He gets along great with female dogs but not so much with males.
I have a house with a huge fenced in backyard, am retired and once had my own dog training business. I am very experienced with dogs having raised some myself and was a foster for a time.
Because Lexi is still young she can be trained to stop the food aggression problem. It takes time and patience but she can learn not to guard it.
If you think she would be a good fit for me please let me know.

Thank you and have a great day.

Peter Clayton October 21, 2014 at 8:55 AM

She is beautiful, id be more than happy to adopt her 😀

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