Seiko-13yr old Male Sesame Shiba Inu

by Tamara Randolph on December 14, 2015

in Rainbow Bridge

Seiko came to us from an ad on Craigslist “free to a good home” While in our care we were able to determine that he had come from a reputable breeder in Oregon. I was able to show her pics and while it wasn’t feasible to fly him back to Oregon we were planning on finding him a great home to live out the last years of his life. Although that was our plan he seemed to pant alot and so we took him to the vet where he was found to have a slight fever. Treated with antibioitics he was to go back to the vet the very next day when he just stopped breathing and the foster was unable to get him to the ER vet in time. He passed away in her lap. Seiko knew a lot of love his last few weeks and had 2 pup brothers that he bonded with. Thanks Fumito for taking care of Seiko and loving him for his last few weeks.

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